
Applying machine learning to everything

  1. Demo Apps and Building a Business off GPT-3

  2. Using GPT-3 to Explain Jokes

  3. How Facial Recognition Works Part 4, Comparing Congressmen to Mugshots

  4. How Facial Recognition Works Part 3, How a Face Changes Over 10 Years

  5. How Facial Recognition Works Part 2, Facial Landmarks

  6. How Facial Recognition Works Part 1: Face Detection

  7. Building an Object Detection API with AWS S3, Rekognition and Lambda

  8. Generating Letters Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

  9. Another 'Variational Auto Encoders Explained' Post and Character Encoding

  10. AI, Optimists vs Pessimists and Why The Singularity Isn’t Near